Saturday, 3 May 2014

Sam Meech

I have been hugely inspired by the workshop with Sam Meech. I had never used a knitting machine before, and was quite daunted by the idea, but after creating my own knitted sample, I’m already addicted to the process.

I thoroughly enjoyed listening to how Sam reacts to briefs, and also about his general interests. It was interesting that he begins many of his projects by creating short films. I love this way of working, and have always been interested in photography and film, but have struggled to combine it with Textiles. However, I now realize that although my degree is Textiles, I can divulge into other practices. The short film he showed us, featuring a group of older ladies, who had formed a knitting group was really cleverly filmed, and Sam had captured and combined a mixture of knitting skills, and gestures perfectly.

Sam also explained that he had been a freelance artist for over eight years. At this point, I am still unsure which direction I will take when I finish my degree. However, seeing how successful Sam is, while still remaining experimental and open to learning new skills, I am more confident in becoming a freelance artist.  I realise that a lot of hard work, and self discipline is needed to be successfully freelance. Sam has shown me that, although recognised for previous work, there are no limits to creativeness, and you can learn new skills during your projects. There are no barriers, and you can divulge in other artistic practices. 

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